How Your Home Insurance Could Work with Tree Problems

Having trees in your yard can offer a lot of shade for your home and grass and can offer beauty for your property, but trees can also be hazards in a yard. If you have trees in your yard, it is your responsibility to maintain them, and this includes having them removed if they pose threats to your home or property. If you think that your home insurance will cover all types of tree problems and services, it's important to understand that this is not always the case. [Read More]

Why Your Evergreen Tree May Be Turning Brown In The Winter

Evergreens like pine, fir, spruce, and juniper trees are supposed to proudly display healthy green needles throughout the year. So if your trees are turning brown, you may have some concerns. Often, the problem is just temporary, but there could be some simple solutions if you know what to do. Here are five reasons why your evergreen may be turning brown, and how you should handle it. Lack of Water [Read More]

Opossums Taking Over Your Attic and Property? Trim Your Trees

If you find opossums in your attic and rummaging around your property, you may wonder how you can do to get rid of them. Although opossums are nocturnal mammals that typically live outdoors, some opossums can enter and live in human structures, such as a garage or attic. If you have trees near your house or branches hanging over your home's roof, the pests can use them to enter your attic. [Read More]

A Primer For Keeping Your Palm Trees Healthy

When it comes to giving your yard a subtropical look, you cannot go wrong with planting palm trees. While the iconic plants thrive in warm climates, you can even grow some varieties of palm trees in hardiness zones where temperatures dip below freezing. If you have palm trees in the yard of a house you purchased or recently added the plants to your lawn, it is important to understand how to keep them healthy and manage common problems. [Read More]